Cerro Agassiz

 ¿Qué ver en Cerro agassiz, Campo de hielo patagónico sur?

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The Cerro Agassiz is located in the Southern Patagonian Ice Field in Argentina. Unfortunately, there is no official website available to provide prices and schedules for visiting the area. However, the best time to visit the area is during the summer months (December to February) when the weather is mild and the days are longer.

In the surrounding area, visitors can explore the stunning natural beauty of the Southern Patagonian Ice Field, which spans across Argentina and Chile. There are also several nearby glaciers, such as the Upsala Glacier, that offer guided tours and boat rides.

To access the Cerro Agassiz, visitors must first travel to the town of El Chaltén, which is known as the trekking capital of Argentina. From there, visitors can hire a guide or join a tour to explore the ice field and surrounding areas.

Overall, the Cerro Agassiz and Southern Patagonian Ice Field offer a unique and breathtaking experience for adventurous travelers.

(Pregúntas y respuestas para los que viajan a Cerro agassiz)
(Rutas realizadas por otros viajeros que pasan por Cerro agassiz)